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HTML Writers Guild member

Advanced Internet Services


We will provide or arrange the following 9 services absolutely free (as free as water and toothpicks in restaurants) for you when you have Advanced Internet Services design/build your new website.

  1. FREE language translation. You can have your text translated from English to French or from English to Italian for free. You only pay for the web pages, not for the translation. This enables you to reach even more potential customers.
  2. FREE web marketing brochure. Contains valuable web marketing tips that will enable you to increase your profits and decrease your costs.
  3. FREE monthly newsletter. Contains valuable web marketing tips, web promotional ideas, and other internet related helpful topics. You will receive this by e-mail on a monthly basis which will keep you one step ahead of your competitors.
  4. FREE insertion of meta tags. They will be placed  in the programming code which will enable your site to achieve a higher ranking in search engines. You will then receive more visitors to your website.
  5. FREE web hosting. Special conditions apply. Please e-mail us at for all the details.
  6. FREE chat room. You pay only for its programming insertion on your website. Allows you to interact with website visitors by talking to them in real time.
  7. FREE bulletin board. You pay only for its programming insertion on your website. Allows visitors to post comments or questions and for you or other visitors to respond to them.
  8. FREE guest book. You pay only for its programming insertion on your website. Allows visitors to sign in and leave a comment which creates a solid lead for you.
  9. FREE top notch service. The most customer oriented people you will ever deal with. You will be impressed when Advanced Internet Services design your website and familiarize you with unique internet marketing concepts.

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Free 30 minute telephone consultation.

Ask any questions you have about a website idea, your present website or the internet. Call today to arrange a time for your free consultation. Offer valid to any company/individual located in Southern Ontario.

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