BUSINESS CONSULTING If you are starting a new online business we can assist you with everything. This includes, but is not limited to, registering your business, making a business plan, making a marketing plan, making a website content plan, making a website marketing plan and implementing all plans. WEB DESIGN INSTRUCTION We can show you how to design, produce and update your own website using Microsoft Frontpage and HTML. We offer in office and/or in home instruction. WEBSITE MAINTENANCE A site on the internet that never changes isn't very interesting. You can make your site interesting by updating/changing your website on a regular basis. This will keep visitors coming back. We can show you how to do this yourself or we can do the updates/changes for you. If you wish to do-it-yourself we will provide on-site consultation or over the phone consultation. If you want us to do the updates/changes for you, the fees are: 1-3 pages $15/page These rates are for text and image/picture modifications. If you want us to scan your picture(s) as part of an update there is a $10/picture fee. COMPUTER REPAIRS/SALES You can call us and we will refer you to a reputable company in the Greater Toronto Area. If you need assistance in purchasing a computer we can save you time and money.
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