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HTML Writers Guild member

Advanced Internet Services


After you have your your website built it needs a home on the worldwide web. If you already have the web space you are all set. If you do not, we would be happy to provide/arrange it for you. Here are 2 options for you:

1. The most popular method is to acquire your own virtual domain name where the URL (address) would be (.net, ca., etc). This would require the registration of your domain name. You would then need web space (referred to as web hosting). The web hosting fee is only $9/month, paid yearly, for most sites of 20 pages or less.

2. A very cost effective method for you is to place your website on our web space. Your URL (address) would then be The web hosting fee is only $4/month, paid yearly, for most sites of 10 pages or less.

Get a FREE DOMAIN NAME when you have us design/build and host your website!

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Free 30 minute telephone consultation.

Ask any questions you have about a website idea, your present website or the internet. Call today to arrange a time for your free consultation. Offer valid to any company/individual located in Southern Ontario.

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